Dreams are meaningful and if you remember them, there are messages for you to receive in that dreams. There are dreams with different messages.
The most magical and mysterious dreams are without a doubt those that lead you to your own awakening of consciousness, those that lead you to seek an answer, that touch every sensitive fiber, not only in your heart but in your whole body and your whole being.
Other dreams are those that bring messages from your loved ones who have already transcended.
There are also some very special dreams where you are given information about a past life(s) because, at that precise moment, that fragment of memory needs to be remembered to be able to integrate it into your current life and be able to evolve here and now.
And the most common (If we could label a dream that way) are the ones that bring you messages for today, those dreams can become premonitory.
Each of them (no matter the order in which you dreamed them) is intended to bring you to your true essence and recognize your own power, your magnificence because God speaks through dreams.
With Love,